Friday 18 April 2014

Six Word Memoir #3 - Me

"Natures beauty is all around you" is the six word me or I chose to pair with this picture. I put this photo under the category me, because nature is one thing that never fails to cheer me up. I could be having the worst day, with being stressed over school, work, home life anything could be going on and nature helps to pull me back up. If you take the time to notice, if you take time out of your day to appreciate what nature as given us it'll cheer you up in no time. As you watch the snow fall softly onto the ground, or as you watch the cloud float aimlessly through the light blue sky that seems to stretch for mile and miles. Remember that life as a purpose. Remind yourself that this is just a bad day, not a bad life. Remind yourself of your hopes to see the world when your older, and your dream to ride a horse in the beach. Taking a moment out of your time to enjoy what nature as to offer, can be your renewal, and give you a refreshed outlook on the world and your life.

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